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  • Writer's pictureNia Clark

S3 E4 The 1900 White Supremacist Campaign of 1900 - How Black Men Lost the Vote

Almost immediately following the white supremacist campaign that culminated in the 1898 Wilmington Insurrection and Coup D’Etat came the 1900 white supremacist campaign that culminated in the “Suffrage Amendment” to the North Carolina constitution, which helped engineer the near complete elimination of Blacks from voter participation in North Carolina until the voting rights act of 1965. This campaign would change the course of North Carolina’s social and political trajectory - and result in seemingly immutable ramifications for African Americans in North Carolina for decades to come: the effects of which the United State’s continues to see in the present day. A number of experts have asserted that the 1898 white supremacist campaign was a blueprint, not only for the 1900 white supremacist campaign in North Carolina, but also for similar acts of oppression and violence across the Jim Crow South. Guests in this episode include David Zucchino - New York Times Journalist and author of Wilmington's Lie: The Murderous Coup of 1898 and the Rise of White Supremacy. Listeners will also hear from attorney Richard Paschal, who is also the author of Jim Crow in North Carolina: The Legislative Program from 1865 to 1920.

Guests In This Episode

Pulitzer Prize-winner, contributing writer for the New York Times and author of Wilmington's Lie: The Murderous Coup of 1898 and the Rise of White Supremacy, David Zucchino.

“...even though the statute, is race neutral and just terms of the ability to read and write it is being applied in a way which is vastly different between white and black and North Carolina. And it was really applied in a way because as I said, you know, it happens overnight. It happens at the drop of the hat and it happens in every county and every city and township in this state from one end of the state to the other. That's really odd. And it's even odd because the people who drafted the disenfranchisement amendment thought that there would be some residual black voting in North Carolina. ~Richard Paschal

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1. Title: African Moon by John Bartmann. License, disclaimer and copyright information: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication

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2. Title: Window Sparrows by Axletree. Licensed under a Attribution License. License, disclaimer and copyright information: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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